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CIT Researchers confront Covid-19

CIT Researchers confront Covid-19

02 October, 2020

CIT’s R&I efforts are based on the principle of “Impact through Excellence”. Nowhere has this been more evident than in the response of the research community to Covid-19. Researchers from across the Institute came together as part of the CIT Covid-19 Research Solutions Group to see how our expertise could be used to mitigate against the worst effects of the virus.

Dr Brigid Lucey of CIT from the Department of Biological Sciences led a group of Irish scientists from Cork Institute of Technology, University College Cork, Cork University Hospital, Teagasc, University of Limerick and the pharmaceutical firm Eli Lilly in developing a formula and producing the component in Ireland which was a critical part of testing for the presence of the virus. 

Dr Niall Smith, Head of Research and Head of Blackrock Castle Observatory is leading a project funded by Science Foundation Ireland to measure the effectiveness of different mask materials. The project uses a technique developed for astronomy to measure the droplets which pass through a mask and is a great example of a multidisciplinary approach to a complex problem.  Four researchers from within the team published a paper in June titled: “In the absence of vaccination: MASK the nation!”, in which they argued the science behind the need to wear masks.

Researchers from the MeSSO engineering group used their expertise in ventilation to provide advice on how to minimise the build-up of covid-19 in confined spaces. Other researchers from the Riomh computing group used their expertise to consider how artificial intelligence can be used to provide better diagnostics against the virus. 
Researchers also assisted the National Standards Authority of Ireland in the development of standards for effective mask production in Ireland and subsequently at an EU level.

CIT also established an Infection Control Team which has used the most up-to-date scientific evidence to anticipate improved methods for dealing with the virus and implementing these to afford the best protection for staff and students on the CIT campuses.

There is no doubt that the world-class researchers and research students in CIT have turned their expertise to widescale benefit. Proof that studying in CIT can give you a career capable of addressing the very biggest challenges we face on this planet.

If you're interested in learning more about CIT research and where it can take your students just drop us a line to and let's talk.

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