The MTU Marketing Unit role is to enhance the image and visibility of the University amongst MTU’s external stakeholders.
Printing Tender
For MTU print work (paper matters such as brochures, booklets, leaflets, flyers, posters, business cards, compliment slips, headed paper) staff members may contact the suppliers directly with their requirements.
PLEASE NOTE: The print tender was awarded based on the Cascade method whereby all goods required are requested from (1) Anglo Printers Limited in the first instance. If Anglo Printers cannot confirm the provision of goods within the specified timelines written confirmation of this must be received and the request to provide the goods can be sent to (2) Codex Limited, if the Codex cannot confirm the provision of goods within the specified timelines written confirmation of this must be received tenderer and the request can then go to (3) GPS Colour Graphics.
Finance will require evidence of the above before processing purchase orders.
The following three companies appointed are the only approved printing providers for use across the University and staff should plan their requirements accordingly.
Supplier Number 1:
Anglo Printers Limited
Killian Kierans
Account Manager
Tel: 041 9835000.
Mob: 087 9866699.
Supplier Number 2:
Codex Limited
Supplier Number 3:
GPS Colour Print
Contact: Lorraine Bell